Home Can I get contents insurance with a criminal record?

Can I get home insurance with a criminal record?

If you have been in contact with the police or the judicial authorities in the past, you may have a criminal record. If someone has a criminal record, they should always mention it when applying for new insurance. You do not need to worry about things like running a red light or speeding. These things do not count when applying for new insurance.

The following do affect a new application:

  • A (conditional) disqualification from driving
  • If you are (have been) suspected or convicted of:
    • theft, embezzlement, fraud, forgery or attempted fraud;
    • destruction of and/or damage to property
    • assault, extortion and extortion, threats or other crimes against the freedom or life of other persons or attempts to do so;
    • violation of the Weapons and Ammunition Act, the Opium Act or the Economic Offences Act.
contents insurance criminal record

Can I get home insurance with a criminal record?

The issues discussed above will affect your application for new home contents insurance. Most insurers will not accept you if you meet any of the above conditions. So if you have a criminal record, most insurers will not accept you. Of course, there are various reasons why someone may have a criminal record. So it still depends on what the reason for your criminal record is, but insurers are very careful.

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How can I get home insurance with a criminal record?

Insurers have no obligation to accept customers. They can therefore decide for themselves who they want as a customer. An exception to this rule is that only health insurers have to accept everyone for a basic insurance.

If you have a criminal record, there is still a chance that you can get contents (or other insurance). This is because we at inboedelverzekering.nl have contacts at insurance company De Vereende. You cannot take out insurance yourself, we can do that for you. This company has a broader acceptance policy and in principle accepts everyone, even in case of non-payment in the past. You should take into account that you have to pay the first 3 months in advance.

How is the value of my possessions calculated?

To estimate the new value of your household contents, you can use the household value meter. This tool also provides a guarantee against underinsurance for a period of 5 years. This is convenient, because then you do not have to report every new purchase. So you know that you are always adequately insured.

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