Home Do you have to purchase mandatory contents insurance?

Is it compulsory to take out contents insurance?

In the Netherlands, it is not compulsory to take out contents insurance. However, it is advisable to take out contents insurance. This way you know that your valuables are safe. With contents insurance you cover damage to items such as: your bed, wardrobe, sofa, mirror, television and sound equipment. It is important to make a correct estimation of the new value of all your possessions in the house. If, for example, a fire breaks out in your home and you have to buy everything again, you will be out of pocket.

How is the new value of the contents calculated?

To estimate the new value of your possessions, you can use the household value meter. It gives you a good estimate of the value of your belongings. It also offers a five-year guarantee against underinsurance.

contents insurance mandatory

How can I compare household insurances?

There are many different insurers offering different home contents insurances. It is difficult to compare different insurances yourself, because not all products are the same in terms of coverage. A higher premium does not mean a better product for you, and a lower premium is not always advantageous either. It depends on your personal and financial situation which cover is most suitable for you.

You can opt for standard coverage or comprehensive coverage. It is important to determine which matters you want to have covered. Comprehensive cover, for example, also pays for damage caused by intentional or deliberate fault. It is important to read the conditions of the insurance policy before you take out new insurance.

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What if there are peculiarities?

When you want to apply for a new home contents insurance, you have to take into account that you have to report particularities. These include a CIS registration, or if you have a criminal record. Most regular insurers will not accept you if you have these details.

However, we always find a suitable solution for you. If you have one of these particularities, we can apply for an insurance with De Vereende. This insurer has a more lenient acceptance policy and accepts virtually everyone. A condition is that you pay the first 3 months in advance.

For a quote without obligation, please contact us at 085 - 029 5175. At this moment it is not possible to request this quote online.

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