Home What is owner interest?

What is owner interest?

Suppose you have just become an owner of a new home or you have just signed a lease. One of the first things you do is insure yourself and your home. For example, you choose a new home contents insurance and a new buildings insurance. People who rent a house do not have to take out building insurance themselves. In most cases, this responsibility lies with the Owners' Association (VvE) or the landlord. If you want to insure yourself even more, you can insure an owner's interest. We will explain exactly what this entails.

What is owner interest?

An owner's interest insures you against additional issues. For example, if you have installed a new bathroom in your rented house, you can make sure that it is co-insured with the owner's interest. It is advisable to include an owner's interest in the insurance for the following facilities that you install in your house:

  • The bathroom has recently been refurbished
  • You have laid a new floor
  • The kitchen has recently been refurbished
  • Have recently installed an expensive sliding door to the balcony
owner's interest_content insurance

What value do you insure with an owner's interest?

Owners' interest is often part of the contents insurance. It depends on which insurance you take out and how high your premium is. Please note that it is not possible to include an owner's interest in all home contents insurance policies.

It is always advisable to carefully read the conditions of your insurance policy. That way, you will know exactly what you are insured for and you will not encounter any unpleasant surprises.

Contract contents insurance? Calculate your premium!

What are the conditions for including the owner's interest in the insurance?

Not every home insurance policy covers the owner's interest. Always read the conditions to find out whether you can include this in your insurance. In addition, the conditions differ enormously from one insurer to another. You really should compare the different insurance companies to find out what damage is covered.

There are also some cases where the damage is never covered. These are the following cases:

  • fire caused by own fault
  • leakage due to overdue maintenance

So keep this in mind when you take out home contents insurance.

The VvE insures the owner's interest anyway

When you live in a flat or apartment complex, there is a good chance that you and your neighbours will make adjustments to the house. Because everyone in the complex can do this, the VvE almost always insures the owner's interest. Every resident of the complex has to contribute to the premium, which makes it go up.

Do you have any questions about this insurance?

Are you interested in taking out the Owner's Interest? Then take a look at the possibilities on our website. If you cannot work it out yourself, you can always contact us by telephone. We are available every working day from 08:00 - 18:00 on 085 - 013 1108.

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